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This page contains items we try to keep in stock. Some items are subject to availability and may not always be on site. Don't see what you're looking for? We can probably order it from our suppliers!
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Mod Edger
Lee Building Products
Lee Building Products Mod Edger is a sleek, modern landscaping solution designed to create clean, well-defined edges in outdoor spaces.
Key Features:
Material: Crafted from durable concrete for long-lasting performance and resistance to weathering.
Design: Features a minimalist, smooth profile with straight lines, making it perfect for contemporary landscaping styles.
Colors: Available in a variety of neutral tones to complement any design scheme.
Applications: Ideal for edging garden beds, walkways, driveways, or patios to provide a polished, organized look.
The Mod Edger combines functionality and a modern aesthetic, making it a favorite choice for achieving a streamlined, professional finish in any landscape project.
Natural Wall/Edger Tumbled
Lee Building Products
Lee Building Products Natural Wall is a versatile and durable hardscape solution designed for creating natural-looking retaining walls and garden features.
Key Features:
Material: Constructed from high-quality, weather-resistant concrete for long-term performance.
Design: Features a rugged, textured surface that mimics the appearance of natural stone, blending seamlessly into outdoor landscapes.
Shapes and Sizes: Available in modular designs, allowing flexibility for both straight and curved wall applications.
Colors: Offered in earthy tones like gray, tan, and red/brown to complement natural surroundings.
Applications: Perfect for retaining walls, raised garden beds, seating walls, and decorative landscape accents.
Lee Building Products Natural Wall provides the beauty of natural stone with the strength and reliability of engineered materials, making it an excellent choice for both functional and decorative projects.
Edgestone II
Keystone Edgestone II is a versatile, lightweight concrete edging product designed for creating clean, professional-looking borders in outdoor spaces.
Key Features:
Design: Features a gently rounded profile with a natural stone-like texture for an elegant finish.
Material: Durable, weather-resistant concrete ensures long-lasting performance.
Ease of Installation: Lightweight design makes it easy to handle and install for DIYers and professionals alike.
Applications: Perfect for defining garden beds, walkways, driveways, or landscaping features.
Keystone Edgestone II combines practicality with aesthetic appeal, providing a simple yet refined way to enhance any landscape design.
Rumblestone Edgers Cafe Blend
Keystone Rumblestone Edger in Café Blend is a versatile, pre-cast concrete edging product designed to enhance the appearance and functionality of outdoor spaces.
Key Features:
Color: Café Blend features warm, earthy tones, including shades of tan, brown, and subtle gray, adding a natural and inviting look.
Material: Durable concrete construction ensures longevity and resistance to weathering.
Shape: Designed for easy stacking and fitting, with a textured surface that mimics natural stone.
Landscape Edging: Defines flower beds, garden borders, or walkways with a clean and finished look.
Small Hardscapes: Ideal for low garden walls, planter boxes, or decorative features.
Keystone Rumblestone Edger in Café Blend combines durability, easy installation, and a natural aesthetic, making it a perfect choice for DIY projects or professional landscaping designs.
Scallop Straight and Curved
Keystone Scalloped Edging (Straight and Curved) is a durable and decorative concrete edging product designed to bring structure and style to landscaping projects.
Key Features:
Design: Available in both straight and curved sections, with a scalloped top edge that adds a touch of classic charm.
Material: Made from sturdy concrete, ensuring long-lasting performance and resistance to the elements.
Versatility: The combination of straight and curved pieces allows for flexible designs, from clean lines to flowing borders.
Applications: Ideal for outlining garden beds, defining walkways, or adding a polished look to patios and outdoor spaces.
Keystone scalloped edging provides a practical and stylish solution for creating beautifully defined outdoor areas with ease.